

In our price list, you can clearly see how much it costs to use our service.


Subtitles & Captions


Captions made with speech recognition AI

0,15 € / Video Minute

  • All languages
  • 90 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

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Captions with same language as video: English, Finnish, German or Dutch

3,50 € / Video Minute

Captions with same language as video: Swedish, Norwegian or Danish

4,00 € / Video Minute

  • Human-made
  • 99,9 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

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Translated subtitles: Finnish, English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, German, Dutch

14,00 € / Video Minute
  • Human-made
  • 99,9 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

Send request

How much video material do you have?

Less than one hour:

You can directly send us the material.

Read more
  • The price will be based on the exact length of the video according to the price list
  • Add the billing information of the project in the additional information field
  • As a private individual, please input your home address in the additional information field for billing
  • The material will be handled absolutely confidentially
  • You will receive a confirmation of your order within 24 hours
  • General Terms and Conditions

More than one hour:

We offer a discount if you have more than one hour of material. Request a quote to find out the exact price for your project.

Express delivery

Express delivery: Standard price +100 %.

Turnaround times:

  • File(s) sent before 14:00 (EET) → One business day by 16:00 (EET).
  • File(s) sent after 14:00 (EET) → Two business days by 16:00 (EET).
The payment method for our services is invoice which is sent after the project by email, mail or e-invoice.




AI transcription made with speech recognition 

9,00 € / Recording Hour

  • All languages and speaker amounts
  • 90 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

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Clean Verbatim – Language: English, Finnish, German or Dutch

1-3 speakers:

60,00 € / Recording Hour

4+ speakers:

80,00 € / Recording Hour

Full Verbatim or Edited Transcript – Language: English, Finnish, German or Dutch

1-3 speakers:

80,00 € / Recording Hour

4+ speakers:

100,00 € / Recording Hour

  • Human-made
  • 99,9 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

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Clean Verbatim – Language: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish

1-3 speakers:

130,00 € / Recording Hour

4+ speakers:

145,00 € / Recording Hour

Full Verbatim or Edited Transcript – Language: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish

1-3 speakers:

145,00 € / Recording Hour

4+ speakers:

165,00 € / Recording Hour

  • Human-made
  • 99,9 % accuracy
  • Prices excl. VAT

Send request

How much audio material do you have?

Less than 10 hours:

You can directly send us the material for transcription.

Read more
  • The price will be based on the exact length of the recording as well as the number of speakers according to the price list
  • The price includes speaker distinction
  • Add the billing information of the project in the additional information field
  • As a private individual, please input your home address in the additional information field for billing
  • The material will be handled absolutely confidentially
  • You will receive a confirmation of your order within 24 hours
  • General Terms and Conditions

More than 10 hours:

We offer a discount if you have more than 10 hours of material. Request a quote to find out the exact price for your project.

Express delivery

Express delivery: Standard price +100 %.

Turnaround times:

  • File(s) sent before 14:00 (EET) → One business day by 16:00 (EET).
  • File(s) sent after 14:00 (EET) → Two business days by 16:00 (EET).



The price is based on the number of characters in the source text without spaces.


Price 0,04 € / character (excl. VAT)